Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sunday, August 30 2009

It is nearly a year since we posted. Here you are deliciously stripey on the beach. What a summer it has been - I will make a new blog about it. This one is just ours!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Saturday, September 5th in the afternoon

This wisteria is amazing - what a story of survival and tenacity. Olie and I dug it up and moved it very unkindly on a hot hot day. All the leaves fell off and it looked dead - I kept watering it then last week suddenly a few leaves appeared - by this morning there were two flowers! It will reign over a new bed of roses, delphiniums, lupins and poppies.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

And by the way!!

The Egungun photos are so gorgeous!
thank you
Here is a portrait of David as my assistant at the Frelighsburg art fair where I (ahem!) won third prize!!
There is a little story included.

Frelighsburg, the art fair adventures

ho hum.
I am procrastinating painting my living room/studio
for obvious reasons.
Last weekend I went to an art fair.
I did some drawrings there!
Here is one of a delightful Saturday night at Remi and Daniel's and Jean Pierre's.
Jean Pierre was telling a ghost story.
The picture is a composite of times
Many hours and people in different positions combined into one picture.
We had a tomato salad.
We had lots of red wine.
Outside was dark and starry and delicious.
In the background played Leonard Cohen.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Continuing your garden theme

O I love bees, what a gorgeous picture!
I love the parallel of creeping and observing like Toby the cat.
On the 15th of August I finished a print residency at Atelier Circulaire, a gorgeous print shop in Montreal's Mile end.
During the last bit, another visiting printmaker, Celia, and I had a monoprint day where we set up some inks and plates and experimented with monoprinting. This is one of my prints, where I discovered monoprinting is like painting on glass, you apply colour from foreground to background.
This one is supposed to be a flowering cactus.
This plate changed so much you wouldn't even believe it. It started off as an all black plate!
I have just finished painting the second third of my studio.
The wall I will wake up to is a metallic shimmering blue, to remind me of the ocean. I will put the African sun you gave me up there as well.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tuesday, August 26th, 12:10-12:50 p.m.

David and I had lunch in Grange Park. He sketched houses on Beverley and I sketched two AGO staff having lunch - a curatorial assistant and a 2D designer- they had papers and were very intent. David says he will try to sketch people so I will try houses. The light was gorgeous - dappled and bright. The woman in the background was doing Tai Chi. When I came home I tried to save my drawing with colour.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sunday, August 24th at about 4:30 p.m.

Hello Anna,
How wonderfully reality and fiction mix - I'm referring to your encounter and your dream book. I often think I would have experienced life very differently if I hadn't read certain books. I tried to draw the red cabbage but I somehow couldn't do it justice. While I was sitting there I noticed that there are a huge number of flying insects, especially in the herbs which are all flowering. I got my camera instead and prowled around like Toby observing. I recognized bees and butterflies but there were many other magnificent flying things I have no clue about. My blog is very gardenish because it is the weekend.